Tuesday, March 23, 2010

10 for Tuesday!

1) Gary turned 29 on March 12th and so we celebrated with going out to his favorite restaurant called the "Alamo". After dinner we went home and had chocolate ice cream cake and he open presents. It was a nice quiet evening. His mom also celebrated with us. We originally plan to go downtown to celebrate his birthday, but on Saturday it was pouring rain so we decided not to go and decided to see Avatar instead. It took us this long, but we finally watched it. We both thought that it was fantastic! I would definitely recommend it to anyone!

2) We had our Stake Conference Temple session a week an a half ago which I always enjoy We also had our ward conference as well that weekend.
3) I went to a Young Women presidency meeting to discuss our final plans for the Young Women social & broadcast. We are hopeful that a lot more people come this time.
4)Gary drove down with a group for work down to PA to go threw a paper & a particle board plant for an inspection on how it all works.
5) Once again our basement flooded because of the rain so we had to pull the carpet back and turn on the dehumidifier to dry it all out. I soaked up the floor in the unfinished room.

Unfinished room

Trying to soak up all the water

6) This last weekend we saw another movie that we have wanted to see which was "Alice in Wonderland". It wasn't creepy as the commercials make it look. We really enjoyed it and thought it was well done.
7) We also had Stake Conference last weekend which was good. It was a broadcast from Salt Lake so we had the privilege to hear from Elder Sitati, Jay Jensen, Barbara Thompson and Boyd K. Packer. They were all very good talks. This was my first experience with a broadcast for stake conference which i thought was interesting and worked pretty well. We had a prayer and a song and they made some sustaining's before the broadcast started.
8) Before the general session we had a youth session where I played the piano for which went alright. I'm always nervous playing in front of a crowd. We had good talks and afterwards we had refreshments.
9) For Gary's birthday I had bought him a pair of pants that he tried on and were a little snug so i told him that we could exchange them to a better fit and he agreed so I had put them in the car ready to take them to the store whenever we were out that way, but we never seem to make it there. I kept telling Gary that we should go to the store to exchange them but he kept changing his mind so on Saturday I told him to go to the mall so we could do it. As we came up to the service desk and Gary put down the pants he heard a clunk so he reach into his pocket and pulled out our cell phone which we had been missing for a week. It was hillarious! The moral of the story? Listen to your wife!
10) Till' next time!

1 comment:

  1. Oh...let Gary know that I say "happy birthday"! Sorry to hear about your basement flooding that sucks!
